Why has George Orwell chose talking animals as to normal human characters ?

There could be a number of reasons for this. One that comes to mind is that the story has a lot of qualities of the fable which usually uses animals with human qualities to make a point. Anthropomorphism or personification is any attribution of human characteristics (Or characteristics assumed to belong to humans) to other animals or non living things. This is a well established literary from ancient times.






One response to “Why has George Orwell chose talking animals as to normal human characters ?”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    Seyi, this is a very thoughtful answer to an advanced question on Animal Farm. You are absolutely right that he has chosen to use this form to make a point.

    Can you predict what will happen on the farm? George Orwell didn’t live to see the end of the communist era in USSR, so the end of his novel can only be called a prediction of the future.

    If you are interested in this novel, I would love to recommend that you also read 1984 by George Orwell. It’s set in London in a 1984 that Orwell imagined and in it he invented “Big Brother”

    Thanks for this succinct and helpful answer.

    Mr Waugh
